On a 3-0 vote, with two members not voting, selectmen agreed to place an article on the March town meeting warrant at the request of Curtis Pass. It recommends that voters accept as town roads these three subdivision roads: Deervale Road, Cottagewoods Road, phase 1, and Turkey Ridge.


Volunteers sought for city positions

The City Council is seeking volunteers to fill positions on various board and committees. There are several boards and committees in the city, such as Airport Board, Board of Assessment Review, Cable TV Advisory Board, Civil Service Commission, Ethics Advisory Committee, Investment Advisory Committee, Transit Committee, Recreation Advisory Board, Water District, Sewer District, Planning Board, Zoning Board of Appeals, Community Development Loan Committee, Auburn Housing Authority and Community Forest Board.

Community service volunteer applications are available at the City Clerk’s Office or online at www.auburnmaine.org.

Applicants must be residents of Auburn. Completed applications should be returned to the City Clerk’s Office, 45 Spring St., Auburn.

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