I feel compelled to write about the so-called “haunted house” in Sabattus where the new elementary school is being built (Sun Spots, Jan. 7).

My husband and I purchased this property in 1965, and it was an ideal place to raise our four children. We all enjoyed living there. After we moved in, we had our parish priest bless the house.

We lived there 34 years, the last three years alone after my husband’s death in 1996. I must add that I was never afraid and was never visited by a “ghost.” Neither were the former owners who resided there 20 years, nor were the new owners who lived there for a while until they rented the place to a couple who claim seeing a “ghost.” We find this hard to believe. Fear and imagination can sometimes play tricks on you.

My children used the upstairs bedrooms, as did our guests, and no one was

ever awakened by a “ghost.”

Shortly after the couple moved out, a friend and I went to the house where we knocked and knocked on the door and windows; however, no one “knocked back.”

The field was once used by a Little League team that my husband coached. It was also used for raising and training race horses, also cattle.

Could it be that maybe, just maybe, the unseen “ghost” was lonely and missed our presence?

It’s a great place for a new school, and I am sure the students will enjoy their new location.

Cecile Rancourt, Lewiston

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