Has President Bush lost his mind? He wants to spend billions of dollars for more trips to the moon.

Our 14 million hungry children don’t live on the moon, they live here in the United States of America. A compassionate person would help these children, feed them and house them.

Where did Bush’s compassion go? He not only is not helping feed our 14 million children who go to bed hungry every night, he started a war and is now giving Iraqis food which should be given to the hungry American children. He wants to turn Iraq into a first class country, yet he ignores the Americans’ needs.

Our environment is bad, our schools are bad, our roads are bad, the job situation is bad, the prescription drug law he signed is bad, everything he does is bad for everyone but his rich friends. Another four years of Bush will certainly bring us back to the pre-1940s – only the rich and poor, no middle class. Send Bush packing back to Crawford where he belongs.

Patricia Joseph Adams,


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