There is a race for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States. I, for one, have been disappointed by this current administration’s apparent disregard for the will and opinion of its constituency; and horrified at the lies and cover-ups that have been allowed to occur.

I will vote for Gen. Wesley Clark in my caucus, and I know there are plenty of concerned, motivated people out there who want to see a change in our country’s political agenda.

Gen. Clark is the man who has what it takes to defeat George W. Bush in the election. He is a decorated war veteran and Rhodes Scholar, who served in Vietnam, was wounded in battle and earned the Silver Star.

Gen. Clark’s campaign has been gaining momentum as those of us who will are using our voices to be heard. He can beat Bush in November and bring a higher standard of leadership to our White House, but first we must get him nominated as our Democratic candidate.

Stacey L. Raymond, Buckfield

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