In the Jan. 4 edition of the Sun Journal, I read about the arrival of the Mid-Coast Orchestra to Lewiston and was interested in finding out how this orchestra would fit in with Lewiston’s and Auburn’s other orchestras, but no other orchestras were mentioned. A stranger reading the paper would assume that Lewiston-Auburn was being culturally rescued by this group.

On Jan. 15, I was pleased to find a letter to the editor addressing this oversight. The writer, Dr. Jenie Smith, pointed out that there are two other orchestral ensembles both directed by Peter Frewen, and she was insulted by their lack of recognition by the newspaper.

Dr. Smith seems to be as guilty as the Sun Journal in overlooking the Androscoggin Community Orchestra, which has served Lewiston-Auburn for several years, for a while under the leadership of Greg Boardman and now conducted by Paul Ross, formerly of the Mid-Coast Orchestra.

AVCO is unique among those other orchestras in that it gives young people and older amateurs an ensemble in which to play without having to be professional musicians. The organization puts on at least two major concerts a year, usually at Bates College’s Olin Building. In fact, the next one is Jan. 23.

Kay Townsend,

AVCO board member, Greene

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