This being an election year, I’ve been watching some of the Democrats’ debates. I’ve noticed how they all criticize President Bush and his administration at every turn. They criticize, but don’t seem to have much to say about what they would do instead.

They all say they would create jobs, but not how. Howard Dean would not go to war. I guess he’d wait for another attack. Most of the Democrats would go to the United Nations. We saw how effective that proved to be after 12 years.

They all whine about Bush’s tax cuts. Why shouldn’t we keep more of our hard-earned dollars when we can see how well the politicians are spending it? These tax cuts are bringing the economy back, the stock market up, the dollar higher and job growth and productivity growing as well. Not fast enough, they say. What else can they say?

Watching the Democrats, I have concluded a few things: Tolerance is a favorite byword (unless you believe this nation was born of Christian beliefs); if you nominate a judge not of Ted Kennedy ilk they will filibuster at all times; political correctness trumps common sense every time; and we should kiss up and make nice to weasels like France, Russia, Germany and Canada.

Yep, I have seen the light. I now know, more than ever, why I am a Bush supporter and why I am not a Democrat.

Brenda E. Bussiere, Turner

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