Try to imagine a huge swarm of bees buzzing nonstop every weekday evening and every weekend. How annoying would that be? That’s what we hear coming from the Moto-X-Park in Minot.

I don’t consider myself a neighbor to the Hemond’s Moto-X-Park, as I live several miles away. One does not have to live along Route 119 to be annoyed by the noise emanating from the Moto-X-Park. Does the noise affect the resale value and ability to sell property in that area?

The Sun Journal story (Feb. 23) neglected to report that in addition to six events per season at the Moto-X-Park, there are motorcycles practicing nearly every night. This is what becomes annoying. I could live with just six events per season.

We cannot enjoy outdoor activities because of the relentless noise. Going inside is not enough to get away from the noise. We close our windows and turn on the TV to finish drowning it out, and that isn’t enough. The only reprieve from the noise is when it rains and during the winter. Not my idea of a quiet rural Maine setting.

Don Hemond is quoted in the article as saying, “We’ll do whatever it takes.” Then why can they not abide by what the town is asking them to do?

James Nisley, Minot

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