PERU – A new plow truck and compensation for firefighters are among the 55 warrant articles for the annual town meeting Saturday, March 20. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. at the school.

Road Commissioner David Gammon has repeatedly expressed concerns about the 25-year-old town truck. Selectmen and the finance committee recommend adding $20,000 to the $35,000 already saved for a truck. Any additional cost would be financed by the town over two years.

Members of the volunteer fire department are set to get a small compensation for training and service if article 6 passes as written. The article calls for $4,000 to be distributed by the fire chief and the Fireman’s Association. At present, firemen are not reimbursed for service time or mileage.

If all the requests and recommendations are approved as written, the town will raise $616,116.18, or about $8,200 more than last year. Elections will be held from noon to 8 p.m. Monday, March 22.

Patricia Hunt and Janet Roley are both seeking re-election to the Peru School Committee. If elected, they will serve for three years unless the school merger agreement takes effect. In that case the committee will be disbanded next year to make way for the newly formed SAD 21 board.

Former Selectman Patricia Garbarini is running against write-in candidate Norman DeRoche for the Board of Selectmen. DeRoche is the board chairman and is running for a second three-year term.

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