The people of Monmouth should question why their selectmen are placing on the May town meeting warrant $1.3 million in new spending proposals.

Last year, townspeople decisively voted down all five articles, including a public safety building that was defeated by a 5-1 margin. One has to wonder, what did our elected representatives not understand about last year’s overwhelming vote against higher town spending?

Monmouth selectmen have decided to ignore last year’s vote and place on this year’s warrant three articles that commit our town to more capital spending and higher taxes. What’s more, not satisfied that 640 people participated in the decision last year, they want to force a public vote at town meeting rather than by secret ballot.

It is well known that very few people attend town meeting (last year 140 attended vs. 640 who voted) and it is much easier to get their agenda passed.

One of the proposals is for $815,000 for a new highway garage. Last year, voters rejected a similar proposal for $200,000. The highway department supervisor told the selectmen at a recent meeting that the $815,000 would not pass if it went to a referendum vote.

With town meeting attendance dwindling to three to four percent of voters, one has to question whether our voting methods or selectmen’s attitudes need to be revised.

I encourage anyone who is unhappy that the selectmen have deliberately ignored last year’s vote to show up May 11-12 and vote.
Steve Kolenda, Monmouth

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