The Tri-State Lottery was supposed to go for education. After one year, it was transferred to the general fund without taxpayers having anything to say about it.

When the casino was proposed, which would have brought hundreds of jobs and hundreds of millions of dollars to the state, the governor fought it all the way. Now, he suggests Powerball that would bring $9 million to the state – a drop in the bucket compared to the casino.

The following figures don’t add up. Who has the guts in Augusta to make it right?

California has 34,501,130 people, 40 senators (846,791 each) and 80 representatives (431,264 each). Maine has 1,227,932 people, 35 senators (35,084 each) and 151 representatives (8,132 each).

It seems we taxpayers are paying a lot and getting little for our money. Let’s start cutting the fat in our state government.

We people in Maine have to travel a long way to work or any other place we have to go. Having a high gas tax is certain to affect the tourism industry we count on so much. Any increase in our gas tax is being pushed onto us so that our everyday necessities cost that much more.

To add to the fact, the oil companies are picking our pockets. Even if there was a shortage, raising the price doesn’t make more oil. If you have the money, they have the oil.
Alfred Neil McLucas, Mechanic Falls

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