DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have facial hair and have tried everything to get rid of it. I am a woman in my early 40s. How do you get rid of it permanently? – J.H.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I have battled facial hair for years. Is there anything I can do other than electrolysis? – L.B.

Nearly 10 percent of adult women have noticeable facial hair, and what to do for it depends on what’s causing it.

For others, it comes from an overproduction of male hormones. Compared with men, women’s production of male hormones is small, but it can exceed the normal limit and lead to masculinizing signs, including facial hair. This condition can be pretty well diagnosed by having a blood test that measures the male hormone level.

In menopause the production of estrogen wanes, so the balance between female and male hormones tips in favor of male hormones. Facial hair is often the result.

A somewhat common condition, polycystic ovary syndrome, can bring on facial hair. Women with the syndrome often also have irregular menstrual periods, can be infertile, might be obese, or might have “insulin resistance,” a state where their body cells don’t respond normally to the action of insulin.

Rare conditions such as tumors of the ovary or adrenal gland can be responsible for unwanted facial hair. So can thyroid gland dysfunction.

As for treatments, eliminating the cause eliminates facial hair. When no treatable cause is found, a number of possibilities exist. Vaniqa is a cream that retards hair growth. The birth control pill can do the same. Spironolactone, a diuretic, has properties that diminish the action of male hormone on facial hair growth.

Electrolysis (some women like it, L.B.), laser treatments and depilatories are other ways to overcome the problem.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: Two years ago I was seeing flashing lights in my left eye and had trouble reading the paper with that eye. I saw an eye doctor and was told I had a melanoma in my left eye. I had laser treatment that put it in remission, and things are going well for me. I write this letter so you can caution your readers about this eye problem. – H.S.

Readers and I thank you for telling your story. When melanoma is mentioned, immediately the most dangerous kind of skin cancer comes to mind. But anyplace where there are melanin-carrying cells, melanomas can arise. The eye is one of those places.

The flashing-light symptom is something that needs emphasis. It can be a sign that the retina is being abnormally stimulated. The retina is the eye layer that transmits incoming light into signals that the brain fashions into visual images. A retina that is peeling loose from the back of the eye also produces flashing lights. That is a detached retina and requires rapid treatment to preserve sight. Your melanoma tumor impinged on your retina to produce the flashing lights.

DEAR DR. DONOHUE: I had a melanoma removed, and now I am afraid to go outside because of the sun. Don’t I have to be worried about sun exposure? – K.K.

Sun exposure is one factor that contributes to melanoma formation. The greatest danger from sun exposure lies in episodes of intense, prolonged exposure that lead to sunburn.

You don’t have to live in a cave. You can go outdoors. Take precautions to protect your skin from sunlight. Apply a sunscreen that blocks both ultraviolet A and B rays. Ultraviolet A has a bigger role to play in melanoma genesis. Some sunscreens don’t filter ultraviolet A.

If you are in doubt, use a sunblocker that contains micronized zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. Either ingredient acts as a barrier against both kinds of ultraviolet rays.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him or request an order form of available health newsletters at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

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