In response to the criticism of Gov. Baldacci by John W. Benoit in the April 7 letter to the editor, I would like to comment on Mr. Benoit’s use of the “flip-flop” term.

To apparently take the governor to task for altering his approaches to solve difficult problems for the maximum good of all, I perceived that the letter writer would prefer inflexible for the sake of rigidity and a refusal to change ones mind.

Mr. Benoit seems to be focused on using “flip-flop” to demean the governor’s motivations in serving the people of Maine.

I would instead suggest that an honest public servant, which I feel Gov. Baldacci to be, is one who adjusts his actions and approaches to recognize changing times. This certainly is the situation that the governor faces with respect to the budget and health care issues.

I personally prefer Webster’s third definition of “flip-flop” as being an electrical circuit having two stable conditions, each one corresponding to one of two input signals.

Here, I see a strong analogy to the logical exercise of governance based on the facts.
Gilbert Ross, Auburn

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