In 2002, Gov. Angus King was told not to institute a laptop program, yet he found a way around that and instituted the program anyway. Now we have debts instituted by Gov. King that we can’t afford.

Anyone can sure tell that before King was governor, he was a businessman. He voted not to increase the minimum wage several times, just putting the state in more of a deficit.

The current governor has the problems of a sagging economy and more people out of work, and has to face cutting benefits of Medicaid recipients to cover the debts.

I am not a college graduate, but I do know what the word “no” means.

The city of Lewiston is complaining that it has no money. Something is wrong with that picture, too.

If the city didn’t spend money foolishly, on stupid things, it would have money. For example, instead of building a new building for Lincoln Street Radiator, why not just buy the VIP building already on Lisbon Street? That would have saved the city a great deal of expense, time and money.

If the city spent money wisely when repairing the streets and sidewalks, they’d have money for extras they need. Put in asphalt curbs instead of spending money for granite curbing, when they pave the streets.
Bruce Wotton, Lewiston

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