Middle school students spend a day with the 3rd Maine Regiment.

FARMINGTON – As a part of Friday’s annual Civil War day at Mount Blue Middle School, the 3rd Maine Regiment took time to teach the students about many of the facets of that time.

Kids moved from station to station throughout the day. Activities ranged from learning how to march to the woman’s role in Civil War society.

Dressed as a typical infantry officer, Steve Henry of Winthrop spoke to students about what it took to be an officer.

“I do this just to fortify what the kids learn in school, and that’s primarily why I reenact,” said Henry.

Regina Ketcherson of Cumberland spoke to students about women’s fashions during the war. Some of female students got to try on some of the traditional garb.

“The dress was related to the expectations of the young girls,” said Ketcherson.

Students spent the year researching the war, creating projects and filling in some gray areas of the period. Along with the learning experience, students were treated to some authentic recipes from the 1800s.

“We had biscuits, chicken stew with dumplings and all types of homemade pies,” said language arts teacher Joanne Kamholtz.

Some students, along with two faculty members, slept overnight in canvas tents. Their duties ranged from cutting twigs for firewood to standing guard duty throughout the night.

“These kids did a great job,” said Kamholtz.

After presentations by volunteers of the 3rd Maine Regiment, students and faculty took part in a contra dance as well as some shooting and marching demonstrations.

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