Why is it when the Republican’s point out John Kerry’s voting record, Mr. Kerry turns around and claims that this is an assault on his patriotism. In vice president’s speech last week, all the time he spoke, I didn’t once hear him question Mr. Kerry’s patriotism, only his judgment with his voting record. Just because you are a patriot and a war hero doesn’t make your judgment right or wrong.

I have a great respect for a person with strong conviction and beliefs. You may agree or disagree with them, but you will know where they stand. You can tell if they are an ally or one of the opposition. When someone changes their stories, views and opinion based on who they are talking to at the time, it shows a lack of convictions or beliefs. This makes it hard to tell friend from foe.

When Maine votes this fall and Mr. Kerry takes the electoral college prize, I wonder which story did he tell that convinced the voters of this state to trust him in the highest office in the land.

You may vote against George Bush this fall, but we all know where he stands when it comes to the war on terrorism. It has not changed to suit and please the crowd. It’s the same one since Sept. 11.

John R. Newman, Leeds

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