By Samantha Morency and Erynne Landry

St. Peter and Sacred Heart School

We have recently been informed that our beloved principal Sr. Peggy Walsh has decided to resign as of the end of this school year. This tribute is dedicated to Sr. Peggy Walsh for her dedication and commitment to our school.

Sr. Peggy taught many years before becoming principal of our school. She has been principal of St. Peter and Sacred Heart School for four years.

We recently surveyed the teachers of St. Peter and Sacred Heart School on their thoughts toward her leaving. From their surveys we received much positive feedback. Mrs. Valerie Ouellette our Pre K teacher said, “She was a great administrator and a spiritual leader for our school. She also organized us and made us professional.” Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn our fourth grade teacher and assistant principal said, “Sr Peggy is very dedicated to academic excellence. She has clear expectations of faculty. She also encouraged staff development.”

One of our teachers Mrs. Lori Bowen expressed her emotions towards Sr. Peggy leaving as “I hope that she finds a job that will bring her as much joy as being principal here did.” One of the sisters at our school, Sr. Patricia Williams said, “She upped the enrollment and made the school a real community.”

How is the impact other leaving going to affect our school? She was a great principal for our school! She will be truly missed. Thank you Sr. Peggy for all the improvements towards our school. Best wishes and love from all the students and staff at St. Peter and Sacred Heart School!

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