You might have thought that Republican homophobic panic would dominate this week’s news. Instead, presidential panic does.

Footsteps lead from the White House to the Pentagon to the torture center in Abu Ghraib prison. The Army tried to cover up the horror but then there were the leaked pictures. Republicans minimized it as just a “hazing incident” or just “bad decisions by teenagers a long way from home.” The White House memo justifying torture and the Pentagon secret plan to implement torture put the lie to those explanations.

So now the White House is trying to stop the public investigations knowing they lead to the Oval Office.

Are we surprised? The Bush administration has proven itself to be the meanest, most dishonest and corrupt in U.S. history. Instead of real debate, the Bush character assassination squad has tried to destroy the reputation of Ambassador Wilson, Sen. John McCain, Richard Clarke and now John Kerry. They lied and are still lying about Hussein, weapons of mass destruction, and the reasons they invaded Iraq.

We still don’t know what secret deals were made between the energy oligopoly and the Bush administration, but we do know that billions of dollars are going to the energy companies because this administration will not enforce the anti-trust laws (as they aided Enron’s theft of $9 billion), has re-written the tax laws and is waging this war for oil in Iraq.

Only the defeat and repudiation of Bush will restore American honor.

Jon Albrecht, Dixfield

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