I thought the idea of lowering property taxes was to help our homeowners have a little cash for items such as the outrageous medical expenses, medication and, for the elderly, just to be able to pay them so that they don’t lose their homes to the city (which in turn sells them at a good profit) and then take their tax money anyway.

I don’t understand how these homeowners who are on Social Security can do it. They have to pay taxes, a mortgage and medical bills, insurance and medications. What does that leave for food, gas and utilities?

I think that’s pretty sad. Lewiston wants more through fines, parking and who knows what’s next. Where does it end?

I have a better idea for getting the extra monies to make up the loss of taxes: Cut city jobs that aren’t needed, the ones that sit and drink coffee all day and collect major checks when they should be getting $6.25 per hour. Have Mr. Bennett take a cut in pay and all the rest of the crew in city hall. Stop spending for a year; any city employee who makes more than $6.25 per hour, cut pay down to $6.25. After all, they feel that is livable, according to our governor.

By the way, does Gov. Baldacci get $6.25 an hour? He seems to think people can live on that.

Freeman Lewis, Lewiston

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