FARMINGTON – The topic of irradiated beef in SAD 9’s hot lunch program is on Tuesday’s agenda for discussion again.

It’s the third time the board has discussed it since a majority of the board approved the district’s buying and serving irradiated beef as long as parents and students were notified of which menu items it would be used in.

So far, no irradiated meat has been used by the school system.

“We haven’t bought irradiated meat and we’re not sure we’re going to buy any irradiated meat,” Assistant Superintendent Sue Pratt said.

Director Jo Josephson and other board members opposed to the district using irradiated meat have done some research and presented that information to the board prior to a discussion Tuesday.

Irradiation is a technology that rids food of parasites and bacteria, including E. coli and salmonella, by exposing it to low levels of gamma rays or electrons, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Mount Blue High School library.

In other business, Pratt said she will ask directors to approve the local student assessment system developed by staff as part of the state Learning Results standards.

Directors are also scheduled to vote on a teacher contract tentative agreement, salary and benefits for central office staff, director of guidance and hot lunch employees and set salaries for sign language interpreters.

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