I would like to respond to the letter to the editor “Missing peace” (May 29) by Ronald Poulin regarding the track located at Longchamps Construction in Lisbon.

We were never contacted by anyone to try to discuss their concerns regarding the use of the track. Suddenly, we had to go to two separate town meetings to prove that the track was grandfathered, which we did.

We tried to come to a compromise with Mr. Poulin regarding a riding schedule, but we were turned down flat. We were told they wanted the riding to stop or the track moved. Moving the track wasn’t an option for us.

After the second meeting, we told them that we didn’t want to cause problems, and if they had a family party going on, just call and ask us not to ride.

I would also like to address the fact that at the second meeting we went to, there were two members absent. The chairman did make the disclosure that he was related to the deputy code officer; however, both parties agreed to continue the meeting.

Mr. Poulin speaks about the right to peace and quiet, but what about our right to use our land as we have for over 30 years? Is it fair that because a few people don’t like the use of our track that we change our lives to accommodate theirs?

Compromise is the only solution. We cannot let people dictate what we can or cannot do on our own property.

Denise Longchamps, Lisbon

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