I found the column that staff writer Mark LaFlamme wrote in the June 23 edition titled “Sorcery stirs the mind” very comical.

I’m sure he intended it to be that way. I found the history of his old girlfriends to be very interesting. I have some stories of past relationships that are as equally amusing.

Mr. LaFlamme did my ministry no disservice by once again sharing my feelings with the communtiy concerning the subject of witchcraft. I am also grateful of his description of myself when he said “the always controversial Rev. Doug Taylor.”

The reason I am always controversial is because I stand firm on issues I believe in. I assure you I am not in some fictional battle with a Hollywood character. There are some practicing pagans who desire to go deeper with their craft than other pagans who would be satisfied with the mere curing of a nasty sunburn, as LaFlamme put it. These pagans get involved in what is called the dark arts.

The Harry Potter movie and book series glorify the dark arts. My question to Mr. LaFlamme is this: What contribution has witchcraft made to society? True Christianity promotes feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick, ministering to the imprisoned, etc. Oh, don’t let me forget true Christians are also called to forgive newspaper reporters who are ignorant concerning the subject of witchcraft.

Rev. Douglas Taylor, Lewiston

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