This is in response to “Mainers clamor for Moore’s 9/11,'” Sun Journal, June 26.

I applaud Alan Sanborn and the other two Maine theater owners who have demonstrated the courage to show Michael Moore’s film in their theaters. However, I was disappointed when I called Auburn’s Northeast Cinema to ask if they intended to show the film. The manager was doubtful and said that the decision was not up to him. Furthermore, the comment from Flagship Cinema’s spokeswoman Anne McLaughlin about waiting for “consumer demand” to “trigger” a showing at Flagship Cinemas makes me wonder how “Garfield” got in whereas “9/11” didn’t.

Hundreds of people have waited in line at the few theaters that are showing “9/11.” Some have driven from as far as Bangor to see it. Is anybody in line to see “Garfield?”

What will it really take to “trigger” a showing, repeal of the big, federal tax breaks that the theater CEOs have been enjoying?

Scott Nailor, Auburn

Editor’ note: Northeast Cinema is now showing “Fahrenheit 9/11.”

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