As a Bates student, history professor Steve Hochstadt is one of my favorites. It’s too bad he let his political inclinations blur the history surrounding President Bush and Sen. John Kerry’s military service in his column July 11.

The Kerry-Edwards campaign often refers to Kerry’s service to fend off debating real issues. When Sen. Edwards was asked on “60 Minutes” about Kerry’s legendary flip-flopping on issues, he responded, “…flip-flopper? You gotta be kidding me. I mean, a guy who put his life on the line for the men who served with him in Vietnam every day? Ask them what he’s made of.”

Yet hundreds of Kerry’s fellow officers and colleagues serving with him in Vietnam describe Kerry as “unfit to be commander in chief.” Veterans say Kerry falsely accused them of war crimes and lied about their actions. The fact that Kerry served in Vietnam and then protested it does not automatically demonstrate strong character.

Conversely, Bush has been straightforward about his service. He enlisted in the Air National Guard and flew in an F-102 squadron. Bush’s squadron did not deploy to Vietnam; the F-102 was an air defense assignment that was meant to defend America from Soviet bombers. He answered the politically motivated and baseless attacks and served his country.

Professor Hochstadt selectively chooses which facts to highlight and which facts to ignore in order to inflate Kerry’s record and bash the president’s.

It’s important for readers not to be influenced by professor Hochstadt’s distorted portrayals.

Oliver Wolf, Lewiston

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