This September, Auburn citizens have an opportunity to make an investment in the future by voting yes on the school referendum.

The Maine Department of Education has rated Auburn among Maine’s neediest districts for building replacement and allocated funds to replace Lake Street School. This school would be located in the vicinity of Lake Street School and within walking distance of 800 homes. It would be a kindergarten through sixth-grade school for 325 students. This energy-efficient building would alleviate overcrowding in other Auburn elementary schools by providing room for some of the district’s special programs.

If the referendum passes, the state will pay approximately 42 percent of the cost. If this referendum does not pass, the state money will not go into the General Fund to reduce our state taxes.

The money will go to the next community on the priority list for their school construction, and Auburn taxpayers will have to pay the total cost of providing an alternate space for these students in the future.

As quoted by the Sun Journal July 11 in the article, “Priced out” about the local housing market, Tim Worden, president of ERA Worden Realty stated, “They (home buyers) would not come here if there was not a corresponding healthy environment in education.”

Let’s use this opportunity to maximize state funding for this new school, which will attract new businesses and families to Auburn.

Vote yes on the September referendum question. This is a good investment in Auburn’s future.

Jacqueline Strong, Auburn

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