When I recieved a letter from the Maine Department of Health and Human Services the other day regarding Drugs for the Elderly, I began reading it with great interest, then I read the part: “Mail Order Option.”

It said that we will be able to save between $10 and $15 per prescription by ordering through the mail. This offer included a form for us to order through Wal-Mart in Carrollton, Texas.

I feel this is very wrong. What about the drug services that are in Maine? They pay employee wages, taxes, etc., in our communities and state. Yes, I am all for saving our tax money and getting my prescriptions at the lowest price I can, but not to take money from our state of Maine and send it to another state.

Again our politicians are taking business away and sending it elsewhere. That makes no sense to me.

When we go to the polls to vote in November, we need to clean house in Augusta and elect people who will use common sense on our part and do what is right for our state of Maine. Please consider a gentleman I have known for years, Dave Adams, he will be the best we can send. He has our interest at heart and has “walked the walk” of the citizens of Maine.” He understands the people’s concerns.

Jackie Lothrop, Auburn

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