Mary Jane Newell (July 17) has the nerve to write that liberals (people who don’t agree with her) hate the flag, God and the republic.

I’ve got news for her: No matter how many times President Bush tells me that Sept. 11 and Iraq are connected, I know it’s a lie and that there’s plenty of evidence to that effect. Al-Qaida, not Saddam, was responsible for Sept. 11.

I think Bush really thought the Iraqi people would welcome us with open arms; we’d be heroes, and we’d be out of there in short order. Remember that kind of talk in the news from the administration before we invaded? I do.

Bush told us it would be a long stay, she says. But he didn’t tell us that until long after the invasion, until that’s all he could say because it was so evident.

She says we do “no good in maligning the president,” and encourage the enemy by doing so. I believe the enemy loves this president. He’s done more for their cause than we ever could. We’re an occupying enemy, on their turf.

The “good” I’m doing is speaking out for our men and women dying in a war that was started under false pretenses, reminding people that Iraq was not responsible for Sept. 11, no matter what Bush’s campaign ads say.

Our enemy was and is al-Qaida, which is alive and well, and so is its leader.

I love my country, too.

Claire Dupuis, Poland

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