I was saddened to read the letter from Gabrielle DeMoras in the July 24 edition of the Sun Journal. She wrote that our nation faces ruin as a result of various social problems. What disappointed me so was that she compared people on drugs and people in jail to people on Supplemental Security Income.

SSI is financial aid for people who are disabled or chronically ill and need help to survive. It does not provide a lavish lifestyle and, in order to receive it, you must have multiple forms of proof from physicians and others.

My children suffer from a devastating, life-threatening disease, and I have sometimes been unable to work outside the home. We have had to turn to SSI during these times simply to make ends meet. Believe me when I say that we would rather not have to.

I hope this enlightens Ms. DeMoras and others who believe that accepting SSI is a form of social deviance. I also hope that Ms. DeMoras will look for the positive aspects of the social fabric of our nation. We are blessed with many good people who perform kind acts every day.

Although it is often difficult for my children to live with their illness, they have also been the recipients of countless acts of kindness and generosity that have helped them through the rough spots. Because of this love and support they are growing into good, productive people. And, yes, they do know their multiplication tables.

Anna H. Cyr, Sabattus

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