LIVERMORE FALLS – Selectmen will face a lengthy agenda when they meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the town office.

Topping the list of items will be a discussion on the proposed moratorium ordinance relative to adult-only businesses.

Town Manager Alan Gove indicates that, if the board wishes, it could set a date for a special town meeting that could be posted Tuesday.

In addition to the proposed ordinance, he also feels there are other items that should come before the townspeople. Possible shortages in the health insurance and property/casualty insurance funding could be addressed, he says.

Gove also expects to have representatives of the Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce meet with the board to discuss the Apple/Pumpkin Festival.

Selectmen should make a decision on the amount of the pawn shop fee, consider the purchase of a new police cruiser and a ground speed control for the highway department.

Gove suggests that the board discuss the proposed move into the former court in light of the 1 percent tax cap issue. He has discussed the effect of the cap on municipal services with Superintendent Terry Despres and they have come up with the possibility that Livermore Falls would have to trim 12 or more employees from its staff. “If operations are attempted with the five or six remaining people, there will not be any issues of over-crowding,” he said.

The board will take up an appointment to the Appeals Board, consider application by the American Legion for sealed tickets and bingo and fill out a ballot for the Maine Municipal Association.

The Downtown Business People’s group will meet at 5 p.m. to review state plans for Main Street along with several other items.

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