I’m not much of a writer and I am 74 years old, but I still read the papers and follow politics. Your columnist Rick Lowry should be given a boot off the paper. He is so biased and opinionated against the Democrats that I can even smell the hate coming out of him.

He turns every subject he hears around to his way of thinking, which is not at all what I read and hear on the news. The man is a hatemonger and shouldn’t be in this paper. With all his hatred, what has Bush done except to get this country in over our head?

The two top guys we have in the White House are just filling their rich friends’ pockets while they are killing the middle class. We need a change fast before we are so much in debt our children won’t be able to get out of it until they are old themselves, and no money for them to retire with. Maybe the rich will take their money and help them!

What a laugh that is!

Get these two arrogant politicians off to the moon or Mars where they can find oil and start their own little universe on poor slave workers. And send Rick Lowry with them.

Dorothy Aripez, Lewiston

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