LIVERMORE FALLS – They keep going up and checking the place that soon will be theirs.

Space. Natural light. A view of the river.

“We are excited because it’s like a whole new world for us,” said Faith Nichols, Sewer Department clerk.

Nichols and Town Clerk/Treasurer Kristal Flagg explained Friday how the new town office will be set up.

The town office will be relocated to where the Livermore Falls District Court was, on the top floor of the Municipal Building. The court has moved to Lewiston.

Nichols, counter clerk Dawn Young and the assessor will share a very, large space where the court clerk was. Flagg will have a separate office, about double the space of her existing office, with a connecting door into Nichols’ and Young’s offices.

There will be two windows to serve customers, Nichols said, and both she and Flagg will be able to see if Young needs help.

Nichols is envisioning lavender for the walls for the main office and painting the paneling.

Flagg is going with yellow in her office.

They’re even thinking about making curtains.

“We’ re going to make it comfy and homey,” Nichols said.

The women have volunteered to paint their own offices to help keep costs down.

Town Manager Alan Gove has the first office on the right as people walk in the main door. Code Enforcement Officer Brenda Medcoff has the second.

The judge’s chambers will become the mini-kitchen, break room.

Selectmen and Planning Board members will take over the former courtroom with plenty of space for the public.

The room will be christened at 6:30 p.m. Monday by a special town meeting.

Voters agreed to raise $10,000 to move the town office upstairs. The town would have had to heat the building anyway because the pipes are up here, Flagg said.

The carpeting, which has a few wrinkles, will be fixed to look better. The halls and the lobby, which has plenty of room for customers, will be painted. The windows washed.

The tax maps will come back out front for people to look at.

“It’s nice to have more room,” Nichols said.

“We’re excited to see out,” Flagg added, as she glanced out at the river. Their offices downstairs don’t have windows.

The Police Department plans to expand its space downstairs and that will make the dispatch area handicap accessible.

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