I participated in the L/A 5K Run race several years ago; it was a wonderful event! The warmth and brightness of a late summer day attracted over 200 adult runners. They stretched bodies already lean from many miles of distance previously run, some jogged the neighborhood like students cramming in the last moments before an exam while others joined together in small groups just socializing.

It was the children who made that day so special. The younger and timid clung close to their parents; bolder ones noisily delighted in the joy of darting about amid childhood yells. These young runners all wore race bibs with the same numeral, “1.” This was so appropriate since theirs was a “fun run” without winners and without recorded times. As the children positioned themselves for the start of their fun run, their parents, young themselves, lined up behind in a familiar protective position. Later, these same parents were seen running alongside their offspring offering encouragement. Every participating child was later rewarded with a medal and ice cream.

It was so gratifying to see race supporters and sponsors from our two communities of Auburn and Lewiston so efficiently meld together with running families and present us so favorably to out-of-town runners.

My adult children will not require any support from me in this race, but I will be at this year’s race on Sept. 5 encouraging my grandchildren and their grandmother.

Richard Sabine, Lewiston

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