The hypocrisy of conservatives appears to know no end. Virginia Republican Rep. Ed Schrock has resigned in disgrace after it was alleged he had frequented a gay men’s phone sex service. He represents one of the most conservative areas of the country with nine armed forces bases in his district as well as Pat Robertson’s university.

The real kicker? Schrock, who chalked up a 92 percent score from the Christian Coalition, was a co-sponsor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, which would have denied at the federal level the ability of gay couples to wed.

For every attack conservatives hurl at liberals and Democrats, you can find examples such as Mr. Schrock. Do we want a party in power, either in Congress or in the White House, that makes room for such hypocrites?

Mr. Schrock is but one of the many hypocrites populating the Republican Party. I could go on and discuss George Bush, Dick Cheney, Rick Santorum, etc., but then I would be writing a book and not a letter to the editor.

I am not trying to make liberals and the Democratic Party appear angelic. Rather I take offense at a party that tries to characterize itself as being somehow superior and the moral stewards of our country, when, in fact, they are no better than anyone else.

Dave Chirayath, Lewiston

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