I received an e-mail from President Bush’s campaign recently, inviting me to attend the Laura Bush rally in Lewiston. It stated that “with less than 56 days before the presidential election, President Bush not only needs your vote, he needs your help.”

Since we are patriotic Americans, my wife and I decided to attend. I called the phone number indicated and listened to the recorded message, which stated that if one wanted tickets, she/he needed to leave a detailed message, containing full name, Social Security number, telephone number and number of tickets requested. The call would be returned if, and only if, one was going to get a ticket.

Clearly, potential attendees are being vetted. Only pro-Bush voices will be heard at this event.

I am appalled at the idea that potential attendees are being screened and our right to free speech abridged.

The Kerry campaign doesn’t limit its functions to its friends.

At today’s rally, opposing views will be absent, and democracy will die another small death.

My wife and I will go to work instead.

Richard Bevins, Auburn

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