While going door to door, I am proud and impressed with the people of Lewiston, who live in my district. Without exception, people have engaged in a useful, productive and civil dialogue about their concerns. The most common concern is regarding the Palesky tax cap measure.

Most people I have spoken with are concerned about what will happen to services if the cap passes. However, I have met some who have decided to vote in favor of it. If this tax cap passes, people will lose local control of their government. We will lose essential services. When we have to pay private service providers to plow snow or remove garbage, how much will it cost? Proportionally, the pain will be more severe to the poor, working people and the elderly. Services such as trash removed, and most importantly, safety services will be at risk if local governments are not able to maintain staff.

Voting for a policy that is detrimental to the state is still bad and expensive policy. Nobody ever said that democracy was tidy or easy, but it is the best we have.

In my two years in Augusta, I have witnessed the dedication and commitment of people serving there. People in all political parties strive to do their best to serve. Legislators constantly display a willingness to fight for what they believe, and for what they think their constituents want. Even when we disagree, I admire their courage, service and dedication.

State Rep. Margaret Craven,


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