I’m responding to Lisa Haines’ Sept. 6 letter to the editor, “Maine-backed.” There seems to be a communication gap between what Ms. Haines perceives Maine Citizens for Fair Bear Hunting is purporting and what the primary backers of the initiative have in mind. She states that, “the group behind MCFBH aren’t opposed to bear hunting, only the inhumane and unfair methods.”

The fact is, the primary backers of the MCFBH, the Humane Society of the United States senior vice president stated in Full Cry, “We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States “

I relate to Ms. Haines because I felt as she does only a short time ago. I did some research and discovered the agenda of the primary money backers of MCFBH. The other organization backing MCFBH is Fund For Animals. The agenda: Shut down all hunting and fishing in the U.S. Preposterous? I urge people to check it out. They are using this initiative to accomplish it.

Well-intentioned people who dislike current hunting practices are drawn into supporting this initiative. We have to think ahead. How are we going to cope with more bear? They already are becoming a nuisance. How are we going to safely hike, jog, walk, camp out or even keep them out of our yards? If this passes, there won’t be as many game wardens.

HSUS won’t have to live with the problem. We will.

Pat Carter, Bethel

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