I wish to respond to Hans Bryant’s letter to the editor, “Hypocrisy” (Sept. 7).

It is clear that this person is only half informed about our armed forces. From Valley Forge to Gettysburg to the Philippines to Desert Storm to Operation Freedom for Iraq, members of the National Guard have gone to war and have died for their country, proudly and with honor.

Since we no longer have a draft, our citizen soldiers are more important than ever. When these brave people enlist, it is with an overwhelming pride they do so. When they are sworn in, they knowingly accept that part of their job is to sacrifice their life if called upon.

To say that the president’s daughters are hiding from duty is factless and is just ridiculous to even have been written. Furthermore, how can he say that the president is less than a patriot. He served, but his unit wasn’t deployed. Bill Clinton’s fleeing for England was totally acceptable to voters and was not to be a factor in choosing him for president.

It is clear to me that no matter what President Bush does, he will never gain the respect he has coming to him from many Maine Democrats. Bush is our president, doing a thankless job that few want and less are qualified to do.

Steven Reed, Sabattu

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