Some of my friends can’t understand why I will not support President Bush in the upcoming election.

If you look at his accomplishments, there are really none to make him a qualified candidate except for a political machine that is pecking away at America to make it their way.

He bailed out of his failed oil company with millions, he cut the Texas economy to shreds and has done the same to ours. He has sent troops into battle, and his words, “they tried to kill my dad,” still ring in my ears as revenge while our forces die, sometimes in clusters.

Bush’s own unauthenticated, stock service record pages leave a big gap in his already poor credibility.

Who am I? A Republican who has known the Bush family since George H.W. Bush ran for the Senate in Texas in 1963, supporting them then as a school kid.

Years later, my faith was washed away by lies and illegal acts that we all have some knowledge of, but many will overlook.

As Bush continues to unite religious fundamentalist who want us dead, someone has to look around and comprehend the truth and act to change the tide. We cannot be a beacon for the free world if we continue to fuel the hate against us.

Most who know the truth are so disillusioned they see no point of voting. They should find the will and courage to vote now or there will be no point to vote in the future.

Larry W. Mayes, Lewiston

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