Why do about half of Americans still support George W. Bush?

Clearly, he does not deserve our highest office nor to represent what has been, until now, the greatest democracy on Earth.

Perhaps it’s because some of us are loyal Republicans: While you weren’t looking, the GOP was hijacked by neo-conservatives; it is not the party of Lincoln any longer. Maybe it’s because some think we’re safer since Sept. 11. That’s an unfortunate misconception, because we are not safer. Bush was warned pre-Sept. 11, but chose to ignore it and misled us to invade Iraq, which was not and is not a threat to America.

This is fact, investigated by hundreds of qualified people. Their conclusion: While we’re off getting killed and killing to no benefit of Americans, the terrorists are flourishing.

Or is Bush succeeding in pulling the wool over our eyes because he and his re-election strategists are experts at distortion and lying to get what they want (Truth is not important if it’s effective, including smearing opponents, and they know empty promises won’t be vigorously questioned later.).

Look at Bush’s record. What has he really accomplished in almost four years that helps us? Has raiding Social Security helped us? Did tax cuts for the wealthy help us (Cheney got $300,000)? Is Bush’s $400 billion deficit helping us? Is politicizing terror alerts, spreading fear and confusion, and dividing America helping us? Over 1,000 soldiers dead and 7,000 wounded, helping us?

Suzanne Dunham,


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