Dorothy Prince’s letter of Oct. 6 might have come from Neville Chamberlain, and the other letters on this page would now be written in German or Japanese. Fortunately, we had FDR and Harry Truman. It might have come from the “better-red-than-dead” crowd, and the letters would be written in Russian or Chinese. Fortunately we had JFK first, later Ronald Reagan.

Today it comes from the “blame-America-first” crew, written in plain English, and fortunately we have George W. Bush.

The new JFK would have us pass “the global test.” Since that’s impossible, he would lead us back to the days of Chamberlain’s appeasement.

Fortunately, we have the Tuesday after the first Monday in November every fourth year and, because of that wonderful day, most of the rest of the world heaps ridicule on us. It’s not for the person we elect, it’s because we elect.

If a Muslim country objects to our culture, let them keep it out. I have been to Turkey several times and they know how to do it. The rest of the Muslim world could find a good role model there, except for one insufferable fact: Turkey has been a democratic republic since the 1920s.

We are helping to establish that system in Afghanistan and Iraq. It’s the vaccine that will eradicate this plague.

Michael LeBlanc, East Wilton

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