Last July, there was a two-part series in this paper on the Androscoggin River called, “River of Promise” (July 3, 2004) and “Promises Kept” (July 4, 2004). The Androscoggin, it stated, was cleaner in New Hampshire but a 40-mile stretch in Maine gets no respect?

In those two articles, one name stood out as a strong, caring advocate for improvements. Rep. Elaine Makas sees broken promises and neglect by state regulators. She wants the state to force polluters to reduce their toxic discharges into one of our natural treasures, the Androscoggin.

If the river is upgraded from a class C to B, this will improve the economy through riverbank development and recreational uses of this natural resource.

That is why I will vote to re-elect Rep. Elaine Makas, District 71, to the Maine Legislature.

Lorraine T. Comeau, Lewiston

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