Sen. Olympia Snowe once said, “I have always held the deep-seated belief that fiscal responsibility isn’t just an economic issue, but is fundamentally a moral issue.” I agree with the senator, however, here are some revealing statistics about our state.

This is how Maine compares to the other states, as ranked by the Small Business Survival, 50 being the worst and one, the best: state and local property taxes, 50th; overall state ranking, 48th.

So, it seems that our Maine legislators should listen to the advise of Sen. Snowe and bring a sense of moral justice in the way they are taxing the people of the state of Maine. But they don’t!

A property tax revolt has been brewing for more than 10 years now, and Augusta has been deaf and blind. They even removed some of the previously acquired relief with the decrease in Homestead Exemption in order to balance their own ever growing budgets.

The upcoming tax-cap referendum is only the beginning of the road necessary to save our state. Augusta should understand that its spending needs to be curbed, and a spending cap needs to become law one day.

I have endless desires and wants, but my pocketbook has limits. At the state level and the town level, special interests have endless desires and wants and the taxpayers’ pockets have had no limits. This has to stop. Enough is enough. Vote yes on Question 1. Vote yes on the tax cap.

Christine Howard, Roxbury

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