Many people say that our police, fire and education systems will suffer if the proposed tax cap passes.

I find this interesting as I am one of an apparent minority of Americans that think taxes take entirely too much of our income. I realize that in a civilized society, some services are necessary, and I am willing to pay taxes to support a reasonably sized governmental structure.

However, the government sees no problem with taxing me at the rate of 35.5 percent (I’m not kidding) in order to spend my money on ineffective social programs that are routinely abused, and some that frankly destroy American freedom.

Maine’s government “servants” voted themselves an annual raise while representing one of the poorest states in the nation. Local school districts override the will of the voters in order to pay executive level salaries to school officials with a pair of assistants. After all of this, I am supposed to be sympathetic to their juvenile whining when the citizens finally declare that they have had enough and decide to send a strong message?

If they had actually treated the citizens with the respect they themselves demand by not frivolously spending and wasting tax money over the years, perhaps I would have some sympathy. Public officials have brought this upon themselves by treating Americans tax dollars like an endless gravy train, and now they are behaving like spoiled children.

We should cap income taxes at 1 percent, too, and teach them a real lesson.

John L. Donald Jr., New Sharon

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