Before we cast our vote, we should all look carefully at the mind set of the candidates.

In President Bush, we can see a stubbornness of thought, which he would call resoluteness. Resoluteness is a good trait if you have good information related to your decisions. Then, if the desired results are not obtained or there is evidence that resources are misdirected, adjustments can be made. If, however, as Bush has admitted, he mainly relies on information given by his subordinates, undoubtedly much of it being subjective, and apparently then acts without considering other possibilities and sources, he is acting irresponsibly.

Furthermore, it is evident that he has a problem with admitting error and is not above fabrication for justifying his positions or attacking opponents.

According to statements to others, he feels as president his decisions are not to be questioned. Furthermore as others have noted, he thinks in black-and-white terms. These general qualities are often found in leaders, past and present, who have caused a lot of mischief in their countries and elsewhere.

He has already caused mischief with his war on Iraq and will only further do so in this country if re-elected by his appointments of extremely conservative judges to our courts (probably to the Supreme Court), his concern for corporate welfare over that for the rest of us, supporting dilution of our liberties, indifference to environmental degradation and giving our children the largest debt burden in our history.

John Pehek, Leeds

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