Most taxpayers agree that municipal spending at town and city levels is out of control. It is important, however, to analyze the underlying reasons for this problem.

On the town level, we find very few voters attending the annual town meetings and leaving decisions to the special interest groups who do attend and every year increase funding for their special projects.

On the city levels, we vote for liberals who have high ideals and who create projects which overextend the tax base.

The tax-cap proposal is a result of taxpayer frustration over the ever-increasing taxes at a time of tight individual budgets.

The proposed legislation will not bring the desired results as the number of fees which will be instituted as well as the reduction of necessary services will far offset any savings in property tax reductions.

The real answer to this problem is for all taxpayers to attend the town meetings to combat spending and combat special interests. The true reason for our problem is taxpayer apathy and cannot be solved by poorly conceived legislation.

In cities, taxpayers should vote only for those running for office who can exhibit to them that they are interested in the welfare of those who they represent.

People should not be misled by what sounds to be an answer to the problem, which will create a much larger one. Poor legislation. Vote no on this one.

Raymond Waterhouse,


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