I am concerned that all three branches of government are controlled by Republicans. I am concerned that the Federal Communication Commission is controlled by its chairman, Michael Powell, son of Colin Powell, and the Republicans. Sinclair’s vice president is on WGME-TV every night promoting the Republican agenda and ordering Sinclair’s stations to air a criticism of Sen. Kerry, while the FCC refuses to listen to Democrats’ protests.

When Viacom’s president was asked about Dan Rather and the “60 Minutes” program about President Bush’s service in Air National Guard, (The facts were true but got lost in the controversy.), Viacom’s president replied, “Dan Rather is my friend, but Republicans are best for Viacom.”

I believe that John Kerry would attract the best minds for the State Department, Treasury, the Federal Reserve, Health and Education. He will bring in people like Robert Rubin, and men and women of courage and compassion who will protect us while keeping our freedom and civil rights, and he would be president of all of the people, Christian, Muslim, Jew, all cultures. And he would work on rehabilitation rather than condemnation of prisoners.

Joanna Walsh-Ward,


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