Before the lawyers and courts have fully taken over the election of the president and other federal office holders, let’s pass an amendment to the Constitution, which would contain the following:

1. The election of federal office holders shall occur on the first Monday in November.

2. The day for federal elections shall be a national holiday.

3. The ballot for federal elections shall allow for the election of federal office holders only and shall contain no other items of concern to the voters.

4. The ballot shall be of the same design and content in all states.

5. Qualification for president shall be changed from born in the United States to shall have been a citizen for a minimum of 35 years and shall not have voted, in the instance of those who hold dual citizenship, in any other country during the 35 years of American citizenship. Voting on any issue in another country while serving as president shall be deemed a voluntary resignation from the office of president.

Some people might say much of this would cost a lot of money. No one has ever said that the preservation of democracy or of a democratic election would be cheap. Also there are many who are more qualified to be president than some of the native born idiots who have held the office.

Dana H. Hoyt, Farmington

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