Lewiston is buying properties, financing demolitions and financing construction, much of which is to be used to house individuals with state-subsidized rents.

There are countless agencies in this state that provide services at no cost to people who can or will not feed, clothe or employ themselves. There are people paid for having children they cannot afford. There are people paid for being addicts.

The Maine Legislature finances politically motivated studies and ad campaigns. They finance university research. They intend to finance artists whom no one else sees fit to. They plan to provide universal health care coverage. They have given laptop computers to 7th-grade classes statewide, and plan to give more.

On Nov. 2, Maine will vote whether or not to cut taxes significantly.

Opposition to this tax cut has had the gall to claim that if it passes, such services as police, firefighters and road maintenance will be endangered.

They now claim that other taxes will be raised if this initiative passes. Sales taxes could rise by 80 percent; income taxes by 60 percent.

Any self-supporting person with a shred of self-respect should be hearing this as a threat and a clear declaration that their work is no longer their own, that their money is not their own, that their home is not their own, and that the purpose of their life is to serve, and serve obediently; to serve any beggar who demands it, and any popularly elected racketeer who acts on their behalf.

Michael Braun Jr., Lewiston

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