President Bush refused to meet on the terrorist issue in the months prior to Sept. 11, even though a top official warned him of danger. He had international support when we struck Afghanistan and the Taliban, then lost support by misleading us into war in Iraq, which had absolutely nothing to do with Sept. 11.

He let the real enemy off the hook by withdrawing resources from Afghanistan and diverted them to Iraq. Iraq had a no-fly zone working north and south and posed no immediate threat. Congress granted Bush authority to go to war, if necessary and with international support, but he rushed in as he had already planned to from the day he stole the presidency.

While in a war that has cost us billions, Bush unwisely cut taxes for the wealthy, created the largest deficit in our history, just gave away another $130-plus billion to corporations and encourages them to take their jobs and taxpaying businesses overseas.

Vice President Cheney’s former company, Halliburton, was awarded a multi-billion dollar closed bid to profit from the Iraqi war, a war creating more terrorists every day.

America lost jobs for the first time during a presidency.

Bush protects drug companies from having to negotiate lower prices, gouging our seniors.

Health care costs are crippling our economy.

Bush golfs and pretends to be a blue-shirted worker on his wealthy Texas ranch.

Time for Bush to get a pink slip.

Ron Hemingway, Dixfield

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