Someone once said, “Regret is an appalling waste of energy. You can’t build on it, it’s only good for wallowing in.”

Scare tactics from municipal leaders, the education system, the so-called nonpartisan press and AARP (some may want to reconsider their membership) were successful in the con job.

Some may soon regret they were suckered into not voting for the tax cap.

Way too late, these citizens may figure out their legislators are little more than a drain on the checkbook, totally inept at doing anything positive on property tax relief.

Regionalizing or combining area towns’ ambulance services, fire departments, police departments along with other public services ought to be the plan for saving money for the Maine taxed-to-death taxpayer.

Beware of those who put the hatchet to the tax cap like those in Clinton, Canton, Farmington and other towns. Those individuals appeared not at all interested in spending cuts and reduced property taxes, but were concerned about saving their own over-glorified positions and lifestyles.

Could it be possible that Maine towns would see substantial savings and still provide quality, if not better, services with regionalizing?

Franklin Memorial Hospital is considering regionalizing its five county ambulance services into one operation as a cost-saving measure.

There tends to be the same mindset in most Maine towns with cliques in control. Those people are all strong believers in extra spending power and, perhaps, all looking out for their own good.

Bob Burton, Industry

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