After enduring weeks of endless letters on both sides about Rex Rhoades’ and Leonard Pitts’ columns concerning the election results, isn’t it about time to simply move on?

If turning sour grapes into “whine” is going to allow these journalistic malcontents to sleep at night, so be it. Those who voted for President Bush are not going to be persuaded they were wrong simply because a few liberal columnists want to use their pulpit to predict the fall of western civilization due to the election.

If they want to toss around inflammatory rhetoric such as “jihad” and “mullah” to denigrate those with whom they might disagree, it is their constitutional right to do so even if the facts demonstrate that the morality issue was not even among the top four concerns of voters.

They also seem to forget that same-sex marriage would never even have been an issue in this election had it not been thrust onto the national agenda by Sen. Kerry’s own state.

Without a Supreme Court to blame or chads to inspect, Democrats are without a convenient scapegoat to explain their ongoing demise in both the executive and legislative branches. It is difficult for those who supported John Kerry to simply acknowledge that the majority of Americans simply preferred a flawed but sincere incumbent to a man who changed positions more often than an insomniac on espresso.

Robert D. Beauchesne,


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